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Packing List

  • Standard clothing for 12 days

  • Shabbat clothing

  • Backpack

  • Sneakers or hiking shoes

  • Water shoes

  • Swimming costume

  • 2 towels

  • Toiletries

  • 2 Jumpers

  • Rain jacket

  • Sun cap

  • Bug repellent

  • Charger

  • Wall adapter for phone/USB 

  • Purell wipes/hand sanitizer

  • Several face coverings

  • Sunscreen (minimum 16 OZ bottle)

  • 2-liter reusable water pack

  • Passport (mandatory)

  • A book to read (optional)


Boys trip:

  • Tefillin 

  • Kipa ​

Girls trip:

  • 1 knee length cotton skirt                                                                                         

(To be worn when visiting holy sites and can be used for Shabbat as well)



A wash, dry and fold laundry service provider is offered twice on the trip. The cost for one load is usually between £7-9 (depending on the rate of exchange that day)

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